Executive Committee

///Executive Committee
Executive Committee2020-12-28T12:21:52-05:00

The Executive Committee is comprised of subject matter experts from our university and industry partners. The Committee assists the COE in planning future research and vetting white papers, securing funding, and planning annual meetings.

Gary Ambrose, Tulsa Community College

Dr. Martha Banz,  University of Oklahoma

Benjamin Bell, Eduworks

James Birdsong,  Auburn University

Dr. Elizabeth Bjerke, University of North Dakota

Dr. Erin Bowen, ERAU – PC

Frederick Bowen, Orion America Technologies

Walt Cochran, Leidos

Vicki Cox, Veracity Engineering

Paul Drechsel, University of North Dakota

Dr. Brian Dillman,  Purdue University

Dr. Mark Friend,  ERAU – DB

Stephanie Fussell, ERAU – DB

Carol Gregorek, Orion America Technologies

Lisa Haggard, Wichita State University

Dr. S. Keith Hargrove, Tennessee State University

Dr. Chen Ling, University of Akron

Dr. Kurt Izzetoglu, Drexel University

Jon Loffi, Tulsa Community College

Sid McGuirk, JD,  Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Tisha Merchant, University of Oklahoma

April Millaway,  University of Oklahoma

Dr. Ivan Mosley, Tennessee State University

Caroline Ocasio, Inter American University

Dr. Brandon Pitts, Purdue University

Dr. Ned Reese, The Washington Consulting Group, Inc.

Lindy Ritz, University of Oklahoma and The Ritz Group

Cpt. Scott Shankland, American Airlines

Dr. Scott Tarry, University of Nebraska- Omaha

Dr. John Tomblin, Wichita State University

Dr. Ray Thompson, Western Michigan University

Jeff Tyrcha, University of Oklahoma

Matt Vance, Oklahoma State University

Dr. Daryl Watkins, ERAU – WW

Gary Wescott, Tulsa Community College

Dr. Doug Wiegmann,  University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dr. Robert Wood, University of Oklahoma

Dr. Seth Young, The Ohio State University