Task Forces

//Task Forces
Task Forces2019-02-04T12:43:34-05:00

The COE TTHP has created Task Forces and sub-committees to focus on key activities in support of the FAA, industry, and government entities.

The Fund Development and Partnerships Task Force identifies, cultivates, and secures new funding sponsors (within and outside of the FAA) for research areas and topics identified by the Research Strategy Task Force.

The Research Strategy Task Force works in collaboration with the FAA and other agency sponsors to identify the 3, 5 and 10 year strategic research areas and topics that will identify solutions for existing and anticipated technical training and related issues for aviation professionals.

The Outreach and Communications Task Force oversees information dissemination and outreach events for the Center. In addition, this task force is responsible for facilitating student engagement in research and activities as well as awards and recognition.

The COE TTHP is dedicated to active engagement of students across member universities. This sub-committee facilitates research collaboration, aids in student engagement, and promotes incentive programs to work with and hire student researchers.