Enhanced AT-CPC Training

//Enhanced AT-CPC Training
Enhanced AT-CPC Training2020-11-10T11:45:38-05:00

PROJECT TITLE: Enhanced AT-CPC Training

Project completed June 2018 



Air Traffic Control is a multifaceted system made up of many elements. While the technologies used in modern air traffic control systems have improved, the accreditation process and training techniques for experienced Certified Professional Controllers have remained mostly unchanged. Even though the use of high fidelity simulation is being used extensively throughout the industry’s initial training process there is a need for a variety of low fidelity, lower cost, part task training that can deliver the information to experienced controllers in a Just-in-Time (JIT) format yet still maintain the integrity of a full simulation experience.​

Expected Project Outcomes:

  1. Identify requirements for enhanced / advanced training and
  2. Examine current methods of advanced training.
  3. Review exisiting research on ATCS advanced training.
  4. Evaluate benefit for providing this training at the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City.
  5. Identify several alternatives for implementing the advanced training concept model and identify associated risks and limitations for each alternative.
  6. Preliminary development of recurrent skill enhancement training for CPCs.
  7. Preliminary development of proficiency training for CPCs.

Value of Research:

The team identified a number of gaps in proficiency training and has made recommendations to correct the content and the method of delivery for CPC training. AJI2 would be responsible for implementing any changes. Air traffic facilities (especially smaller radar and towers) will benefit.


CA007-08 2018 Technical Poster

CA007-8 2017 Quadchart

CA007-8 2017 Expo Poster


CA007-8 Final Report

Professor Paul Drechsel discusses the goals and value of the project.