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“We are pleased to announce a new track being hosted this year by the Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS) of Spring Simulation Conference  that calls for research work utilizing modeling and simulation to address the next generation of aviation challenges. ANSS is the oldest continuously operating simulation symposium in the Society for Modeling and Simulation (SCS) and captures what makes M&S a discipline. 2019 marks the 51st year of ANSS. Since 1968, ANSS has been a forum to exchange ideas, research results, methods, techniques, and applications among simulationists from industry, government, and academia.

ANSS’19 will continue its tradition of presenting state-of-the-art papers and panels highlighting topics of interest to simulation researchers, practitioners, and users in the simulation application areas. This year we bring specialty areas for more focused discussion of these emerging communities.

Modeling and simulation has long been used in the aviation domain. The next generation of aviation industry calls for the modernization of the field, investing in more advanced solutions in cockpit and ground systems as well as training technology development, global integration, and human-machine interactions. This track aims at introducing the aviation research community to the Springsim M&S venue. State-of-the-art research work from industry, academia, and research centers are welcome at AviSim track. Below is a list of topics, not limited to:

  • unmanned air systems
  • integration of manned and unmanned air traffic
  • pilot and air traffic controller training technologies
  • ground systems simulation
  • onboard aircraft avionics simulation
  • aerodynamics and flight dynamics
  • human-in-the-loop simulation
  • air traffic management technologies
  • use of artificial intelligence for air traffic management
  • National Airspace Systems simulation
  • NextGen aviation technologies”


Submission guidelines, dates, etc. may be found at here.

Track Chair:

Dr. Shafagh Jafer, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL, jafers (at) erau (dot) edu