PROJECT TITLE: Benchmark Premier Technical Training Providers

Project completed September 2018



​The main objectives of the study is to identify the best practices of technical training programs including tools and evaluation processes in selected industries that are applicable to ATC and ATSS technical training.  Selected case studies will be conducted to illustrate the issues, challenges, and successes. The study will also develop recommendations on tools and processes that may help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the ATC and ATSS technical training programs.

Expected Project Outcomes:

  • A targeted literature review will expand on a cursory literature search. The literature review focuses on two aspects: (1) to identify and synthesize commonly used technical/professional training program and performance metrics and associated methodologies; (2) to review current practices of technical/professional training programs including tools and assessment process in selected industries, and establish their relevance and implications to ATC/ATSS training programs.
  • Form and conduct an internal ERAU focus group comprised of experts in providing education for ATC and technician training. The research team will establish an ERAU internal focus group, inviting experts currently involved in ATC teaching. The focus group will help review and validate the relevance of the technical training practices in the selected industries to ATC and ATSS technical training.
  • Identify the best practices in technical/professional training in the selected industries:
    • Best practices in training delivery
    • Best practices in assessment of training outcomes including performance metrics
    • Choose and conduct case studies of best practices in selected industries.
  • Actionable training tools, performance metrics, and evaluation process that are applicable to ATC and ATSS technical training based on the relevant best practices from selected industries.
  • Highlights and key findings, including the literature review, best practices and case studies, lessons learnt, and final recommendations, will be presented to FAA accompanied by a comprehensive report with details on each of the above tasks.

Value of Research:

The research will be carried out in two phases.  The first phase will address three issues: (1) review the various assessment and evaluation methodologies and practices for technical/professional training programs in selected industries, and identify their relevance to the ATC and ATSS practices; (2) identify industries that have similar technical/professional training requirements and goals to those for ATC and ATSS; (3) Document and review the training programs of the selected industries, including tools, evaluation metrics (if any) and processes; The second phase will summarize the best practices in the selected industries that are relevant to ATC and ATSS training; present key lessons learnt and top success stories; provide recommendations on tools and processes that may help to improve ATC and ATSS technical training.

Quad Chart and Technical Posters:

AN007 2018 Technical Poster


AN007 Final Report