PROJECT TITLE: Comprehensive Aircraft Fleet Study and System Optimization Using Analytical Hierarchy Process and Discrete Event Simulation Modeling

Project completed July 2018



This project aims at providing a comprehensive analysis of the current fleet composition and location in relationship to the mission needs/requirements of Flight Program Operations customers. A systematic approach will be used to identify, analyze, and compare cost, benefits, and risk of alternative system configurations. A detailed current state discrete event simulation model will be developed, validated, and used to explore hundreds of thousands of alternative scenarios to recommend the optimal strategic, tactical, and operational settings for the fleet composition, fleet requirements for each mission, dual-use capability potential, and a fleet modernization strategy across all missions and locations.

Expected Project Outcomes:

  1. Systematically measure the current state of Flight Program Operations.
  2. Develop Discrete Event Simulation Models for the current state of Flight Program Operations.
  3. Apply a multi-criteria decision making framework (AHP) to systematically compare key variables that drive cost, consolidation of assets, functions, mission capabilities and mission.
  4. Utilize the validated Discrete Event Simulation Models to evaluate “What-if” scenarios for system optimization.
  5. Provide comprehensive recommendation on the aircraft fleet study.

Value of Research:

The quantitative outputs from the discrete event simulation models will be combined with the qualitative findings from the subject matter experts and industry partners to optimize the overall system performance of Flight Program Operations, while satisfying system constraints. A multi-criteria decision making framework named Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), that is capable of combining qualitative and quantitative data, will be used for this purpose. The results can be used to recommend the optimal strategic, tactical, and operational settings for Flight Program Operations in terms of fleet composition, fleet requirements for each mission and a fleet modernization strategy across all missions and locations.

Quad Chart and Technical Posters:

HF012 2018 Technical Poster