PROJECT TITLE: Training of Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers in Weather-Related Decision Making Using Probabilistic Hazard Information Displays

Project completed June 2018



Severe weather is the cause for more than 70% of aviation delays. It is important to train pilots and air traffic controllers to make sound decisions when encountering severe weather. Human Factors research illustrates that the simulation of weather scenarios in flight and ATM environments exposes and has the potential to fill gaps in weather-related training to improve decision-making among controllers and pilots. This research will advance weather-simulation capabilities and behavioral-modeling techniques to improve weather-related flight skills among pilots and controllers.

It is crucial to the safety and efficiency of National Airspace System (NAS) that when pilots and air traffic controllers encounter severe weather (e.g. lightning, icing, convective weather), they are fully trained to make decisions using probabilistic hazard information. We propose to study how pilots and air traffic controllers integrate probabilistic hazard information for severe weather to make important aviation decisions. Different types of weather scenarios as well as decision scenarios will be simulated in the flight simulator or air traffic control simulator. We will have pilots or air traffic controllers use the graphical displays showing probabilistic hazard information in a simulated flight scenario to make aviation decisions.

Expected Project Outcomes:

  1. Determine the extent to which gaps in weather-related training exist, and understand if the problem is institutional, regional, national and/or international.
  2. Determine if scenario-based simulation (integrated and non-integrated) with advanced weather modeling can bridge gaps in weather-related training.
  3. Study pilots and air traffic controller decision making when encountering severe weather


The objective of this study is to discover if scenario-based training can enhance decision-making capabilities of air traffic controllers and pilots to enhance safety while reducing weather delays. ​The results can be used to evaluate new guidelines and procedures for disseminating weather to pilots in ways to help reduce weather-related accidents.

This research will provide guidance on:

  • Increasing safety by providing realistic weather dissemination training to controllers
  • Improving the quality of instruction
  • Improving learner engagement
  • Increasing trainee knowledge retention
  • Incorporating evolving technologies into the training environment


HF006 2020 Project Presentation

HF006 2020 Presentation Video

HF006 2019 Technical Poster

HF006 2019 Project Presentation

HF006 2019 Quadchart

HF006-7-8 2018 Technical Poster

HF006-7-8 2018 Quadchart

HF006-7-8 2018 Expo Poster


HF006 Human Performance Assessment Evaluation and Experimental Use of Wearable Sensors for Brain Activity Measures

ClimaDrive is a peer-reviewed, advanced weather engine featuring hyper-realistic weather models. The team designed the engine to improve decision-making skills of pilots and fill a gap in training. More information may be found here.