Administrative Publications

//Administrative Publications
Administrative Publications2023-01-06T00:21:09-05:00

You are welcome to browse administrative publications related to COE TTHP research and reporting. This page will be updated as regularly as possible. Please note that any references to “COE SOAR,” including logos and verbiage, is outdated.


Research Roadmap

The below Research Roadmap document will be updated on a monthly basis, with the title indicating the month and year of the last update.

COE TTHP Research Roadmap, Version Jan23


Year 5

Year 5 Virtual Administrative Meeting Agenda

COE TTHP Research Roadmap 2020

COE TTHP FAA Fact Sheet 2020


Year 4

Year 4 Virtual Technical Meeting Agenda


Year 3

Year 3 Administrative Meeting Agenda

COE TTHP Research Roadmap 2019

Year 3 Technical Meeting Agenda 


Year 2

COE TTHP YR2 Executive Summary

Year 2 Administrative Meeting Agenda

Year 2 Technical Meeting Agenda

FINAL_Agenda 3rd Tech Mtg_OSU


Year 1

COE TTHP YR 1 Executive Summary

COE TTHP YR 1 Annual Volume 1

COE TTHP YR 1 Annual Volume 2

COE TTHP YR 1 Annual Volume 3

Year 1 Meeting 2 Agenda

Year 1 Meeting 3 Agenda

Year 1 Meeting 4 Agenda


Project Final Reports

AN001 Final Report

AN002 Final Report

AN003 Final Report

AN004 Final Report

AN005 Final Report

AN006 Final Report

AN007 Final Report

CA003 Final Report

CA006 Final Report

CA007-8 Final Report

CA010-11 Final Report

CA012 Final Report

CMD002-6 Final Report

CMD003 Final Report

CMD004 Final Report

CMD007 Final Report

HF002 Final Report

HF011 Final Report

HF013 Final Report

SA001-2 Final Report

SPTT001 Final Report