Course to Module Conversion Protocol

//Course to Module Conversion Protocol
Course to Module Conversion Protocol2020-11-10T10:11:14-05:00

PROJECT TITLE: Course to Module Conversion Protocol



Per request from the ATO Safety and Technical Training Curriculum Team, the researchers plan to develop a conversion protocol document to help SMEs and instructional designers convert existing courses to modules. This written protocol would detail the concept of modular curriculum as well as the steps necessary to dissect a course and identify its modular components. As a result of implementing this protocol, each course would be broken down into its parts. A comparison can be made with other courses that go through this protocol. This process would enable the FAA to identify redundancies within these analyzed courses. Additionally, the end product of this protocol process would be the building blocks of potential modules. The research team suggests a qualitative research design that will allow them to interview key stakeholders prior to drafting the final protocol document.

This grant is a continuation of the research began under the grant Modular Curriculum Design.

Expected Project Outcomes:

The overall goal is to develop a course to module protocol document that will aid SMEs and instructional designers convert existing FAA ATO courses to modules.

  1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of FAA ATO course construction
  2. Develop a comprehensive understanding of FAA ATO course development process
  3. Compile feedback regarding modular curriculum from FAA ATO instructional designers
  4. Complete the course to module conversion protocol

Value of Research:

A previous research team (Manley et al., 2018) examined the FAA curriculum architecture and suggested several parameters for a future modular state. A modular state will allow competency- based credentialing and reduce redundancies associated with a traditional curriculum architecture. To enable this transition, the research team suggested the development of a systemic protocol to assist SMEs and course designers with the transition from courses to modular curriculum.

Quad Charts and Posters:

CA010 2020 Project Presentation